About Us

We have a mission

Rainham Housing Project is a unique housing scheme that targets the educated professional who values quality life and modern living.

Sample house

Rainham Park housing project is located at 15 km from Harare CBD along Kirkman Road. The housing project covers 89.1 hectares and it compromises 1096 residential stands, starting from 200m2, commercial stands, standard amenities: schools and churches, and flats. The land is owned by Terestrial Investments Private Limited under deed of transfer 632/2021 and subdivision permit number MW/04/21 dated 13 January 2022. The housing development will be serviced by Peechview Investments Private Limited, which is an associate company.

Terestrial Investments is geared to meet the cost of servicing the stands. The project will be implemented in three phases: namely residential stands - first 578, flats - 460 units, and remaining stands - 518 including commercial.

The developers of Rainham Park have constructed sample houses which reflect the standards that customers can aspire to and show what is possible with limited stand size. To this end, customers will be encouraged to maintain similar standards by providing sample plan designs for customization.

Secure your stand today

Be among the first to get a spot in the most developed housing project in Harare, Zimbabwe. A cash discount of $2.50 per square meter.